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生意编号23836 最近更新2023年06月20日 1941人已浏览

10 Year Old Service Company

Faith Quek PropNex Realty Pte Ltd


  • 物业类型 办公楼
  • 物业面积
  • 每月租金
  • 房租押金
  • 月营业额 S$2-5万
  • 欠款负债
  • 月毛利润
  • 月净利润
  • 库       存
  • 设施设备
  • 应付帐款
  • 应收账款
  • 卖家职责 全职
  • 员工人数 6
  • 成立时间 2011
  • 发布来源 个人


Not necessary selling, either business expansion or funds injection for more business revenue


The company contracts with essential sectors (supermarket) providing onsite service which cannot be do without service and maintenance
Welcome to explore investor/partner or acquisition.
Self run without much interference from management

"Invest in Limitless Possibilities: Partner with us, a long history IT service company to unlock boundless growth and tap into the vast potential of the digital age."
"Transforming Businesses, Transforming Profits: Invest in our proven IT service expertise to help organizations thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape and maximize your returns."
"Seize the Opportunity for Unmatched ROI: Our innovative IT service solutions have a track record of generating exceptional returns, making us the ideal investment choice for savvy business investors."
"Gain an Unfair Advantage: By investing in our IT service company, you'll position yourself ahead of the competition, leveraging our cutting-edge technology to drive business success."
"Empowering Enterprises, Empowering Investments: Join forces with our IT service firm to empower businesses with transformative solutions, while simultaneously amplifying your investment potential."
"Invest in a Trailblazer: Our IT service company is at the forefront of industry advancements, offering a unique opportunity for investors to be part of a groundbreaking success story."
"Future-Proof Your Investment Portfolio: Invest in our forward-thinking IT service enterprise, safeguarding your capital against market volatility by aligning with technology-driven growth."
"Unleash the Power of Digital Excellence: Invest in our IT service company to unlock unparalleled digital capabilities for businesses, while reaping the rewards of a lucrative investment."
"Accelerate Your Investment Growth: By investing in our IT service company, you'll capitalize on the rapidly expanding digital market, achieving accelerated growth and exceptional returns."
"Invest with Confidence: Our robust IT service framework, coupled with a highly skilled team, ensures a secure and prosperous investment journey, driving long-term success for both businesses and investors."


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